For the RP2040, we are utlizing Hunter-Adams Stepper Motor library and starter code as our base. Try to implement the stepper motor control logic was agruablely the harest part for us. We had tried to implement many variations of Hunter's library to varying success. It was a mix due to trying to understand the library aviable to us, how the motor controller expects communcation, and our difficulty with correct wiring and current. We found the Code below to work the best. We also use semi-FSM logic to determine the direction required for the motor. First we read in the values from the RF receiver and the gesture sensor. To stream the the outputs of the receiver to the display, we output a high wire for either L or R depending on who went high first. If both are high, select Left.
To prevent a double read from the reciever, the PICO must see a high low high from either pin to see a new action. This is the same as double clicking the button on the key fob. The Reciever has precendent over the gesutre sensor. If the reciever is low, then the board will check the gesutre sesor and act accordingly. Sadly, we had wished for the PICO to handle the gesture sensor data read in as well, but due to difficulties with the motor and our time constraint, this was taken off the table
Elegoo UNO R3
For display, we utilized a Elegoo UNO R3. We can easily follow UNO's docummentation for hookup of the LCD display and leverage their library to set the pins and communcation accordingly. We had initially planned for the UNO to read the Reciever and output and take and input for the gesture from the PICO, but due to many issues, this was changed. The UNO handles the gesture sensing via Adafruit's library for it. It initializes the sensor and reads it on a timed interval. After a given action has been processed the direction of the rotation is then dispayed for about 1 sec while the motor rotates.
Code Appendix
RP2040 Full Code
// Citation, Adotped from Hunter /** * V. Hunter Adams * vha3@cornell.edu * September, 2021 * * This demonstrates position and velocity control * of two ULN2003 steppers. If each of those steppers * is attached to the knob of an etch-a-sketch with a timing * belt, this demo draws the Lorenz curve on the etch-a-sketch. * * https://vanhunteradams.com/Pico/Steppers/Lorenz.html * * */ // Final Pico Software for Kitchen #include "motor_library.h" #include// Stepper Motor input ports #define MOTOR1_IN1 2 #define LED 25 // RF Reciver input ports #define Reciever_A 16 #define Reciever_B 17 // RF Reviever output ports for display #define RecieverA_Out 20 #define RecieverB_Out 21 // Ports for Gesture sensor #define Left 18 #define Right 19 // Variables to hold motor speed volatile unsigned int motorspeed = 416200; // Delay variables volatile int delay = 0 ; // Motor directions unsigned int motor1_direction ; //Reading RF bool A = 0; bool flagA = 0; bool B = 0; bool flagB = 0; //Reading gesture bool R = 0; bool L = 0; int count = 0; int state = 0; bool repeating_timer_callback(struct repeating_timer *t) { //Read RF A = gpio_get(Reciever_A); B = gpio_get(Reciever_B); //Read Gesture L = gpio_get(Left); R = gpio_get(Right); //State Logic for output if( state == 0){ gpio_put(RecieverA_Out, 0) ; gpio_put(RecieverB_Out, 0) ; if(L){ gpio_put(LED, 1) ; } else if(R){ gpio_put(LED, 1) ; } else if(A){ gpio_put(LED, 1) ; } else if(B){ gpio_put(LED, 1) ; } else { gpio_put(LED, 0) ; } if(flagA || flagB){ if (A==0){ flagA = false; } if (B==0){ flagB = false; } } if ((A || B) && !(flagA || flagB)) { if(A){ SET_DIRECTION_MOTOR_1(CLOCKWISE) ; state = 1; flagA = true; gpio_put(RecieverA_Out, 1) ; } else{ SET_DIRECTION_MOTOR_1(COUNTERCLOCKWISE) ; state = 2; flagB = true; gpio_put(RecieverB_Out, 1) ; } } else if (L || R){ if(L){ SET_DIRECTION_MOTOR_1(CLOCKWISE) ; state = 1; } else{ SET_DIRECTION_MOTOR_1(COUNTERCLOCKWISE) ; state = 2; } } else{ SET_DIRECTION_MOTOR_1(STOPPED); } } if(state != 0) { count = count + 1; } if(count > 5 ){ SET_DIRECTION_MOTOR_1(STOPPED); count = 0; state = 0; } return true; } // Position control interrupts void pio0_interrupt_handler() { pio_interrupt_clear(pio_0, 0) ; MOVE_STEPS_MOTOR_1(0xFFFFFFFF) ; } int main() { stdio_init_all(); // Setup motor setupMotor1(MOTOR1_IN1, pio0_interrupt_handler) ; //Setup LED, used for verification gpio_init(LED) ; gpio_set_dir(LED, GPIO_OUT) ; gpio_put(LED, 0) ; //Setup I/O pins gpio_init(Reciever_A) ; gpio_set_dir(Reciever_A, GPIO_IN) ; gpio_put(Reciever_A, 0) ; gpio_pull_down(Reciever_A); gpio_init(Reciever_B) ; gpio_set_dir(Reciever_B, GPIO_IN) ; gpio_put(Reciever_B, 0) ; gpio_pull_down(Reciever_B); gpio_init(Left) ; gpio_set_dir(Left, GPIO_IN) ; gpio_put(Left, 0) ; gpio_pull_down(Left); gpio_init(Right) ; gpio_set_dir(Right, GPIO_IN) ; gpio_put(Right, 0) ; gpio_pull_down(Right); gpio_init(RecieverA_Out) ; gpio_set_dir(RecieverA_Out, GPIO_OUT) ; gpio_put(RecieverA_Out, 0) ; gpio_init(RecieverB_Out) ; gpio_set_dir(RecieverB_Out, GPIO_OUT) ; gpio_put(RecieverB_Out, 0) ; // Create a repeating timer that calls repeating_timer_callback. struct repeating_timer timer; // Negative delay so means we will call repeating_timer_callback, and call it again // 65ms later regardless of how long the callback took to execute add_repeating_timer_ms(-65, repeating_timer_callback, NULL, &timer); // Call the interrupt handlers pio0_interrupt_handler() ; while (true) { } }
Elegoo UNO R3 Full Code
#include < Adafruit_APDS9960.h > #include < LiquidCrystal.h > #include "Adafruit_APDS9960.h" Adafruit_APDS9960 apds; //LED Inputs const int rs = 4, en = 6, d4 = 10, d5 = 11, d6 = 12, d7 = 13; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7); int tim = 1000; //the value of delay time, 1 secs int signal = 250; //Hold for 250ms int Left_out = 2; int Right_out = 5; int A_in = 15; int B_in = 17; int A_read = 0; int B_read = 0; // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.setCursor(4, 0); pinMode(Left_out, OUTPUT); pinMode(Right_out, OUTPUT); pinMode(A_in, INPUT); pinMode(B_in, INPUT); if(!apds.begin()){ } else{ } // Serial.println("Device initialized!"); lcd.clear(); //gesture mode will be entered once proximity mode senses something close apds.enableProximity(true); apds.enableGesture(true); } void loop() { lcd.setCursor(4, 0); A_read = digitalRead(A_in); B_read = digitalRead(B_in); if(A_read == 1){ lcd.print("LEFT"); delay(tim); } else if (B_read == 1){ lcd.print("RIGHT"); delay(tim); } //read a gesture from the device else{ uint8_t gesture = apds.readGesture(); if(gesture == APDS9960_LEFT){ digitalWrite(Left_out, HIGH); lcd.print("LEFT"); delay(signal); digitalWrite(Left_out, LOW); delay(tim); } else if(gesture == APDS9960_RIGHT){ lcd.print("RIGHT"); digitalWrite(Right_out, HIGH); delay(signal); digitalWrite(Right_out, LOW); delay(tim); } } lcd.clear(); //Clears the LCD screen and positions the cursor in the upper-left corner. }