Appendix D: References

Much of the inspiration for this project comes from Nick Bild’s gesture-controlled Pong game on the Pico. This project inspired the idea of using gestures to control an arcade-style game and we heavily derived the controller circuit design from this project.

The VGA graphics code was largely derived from Bruce Land’s 256-color VGA Display project cited below.

Land, Bruce R. (2023). 319x240 VGA 256-color Pi Pico RP2040. RP2040 256 VGA.  

Circuit Component Datasheets can be found below:

5mm Round 940nm IR LED Datasheet

3mm Round 940nm IR Phototransistor Datasheet

*As mentioned in Controller Design, because we sourced the 940nm IR LEDs and phototransistors from the Electronics Laboratory, the datasheets of the components were difficult to find as the names were not listed on the bins or the components themselves. Nevertheless, we attempted to identify them using their key characteristics (turn-on voltage, diameter in mm, wavelength, shape, and color) and found datasheets for components that were the same in all of these respects. These datasheets are linked here.

Sprite Image Sources:



Apple Slice
