Appendix A: Permissions

The group approves this report for inclusion on the course website.

The group approves the video for inclusion on the course youtube channel.

Appendix B: Code

The code files can be found here.

Appendix C: Tasks Breakdown

Although both group members were working together and helping each other throughout the project, each person focused more on one side than the other:

Both members equally contributed to certain tasks such as coming up with the initial project design, finalizing the software/hardware design, and debugging the code.

Appendix D: References

Appendix E: Materials

The items without any links for purchase were provided in the ECE4760 lab.

Picture Name Price Link
Arcade Button $2.50 link
Momentary Push Button $1.00 link
Arcade button wire pair $4.95 link
Arcade joystick $14.95 link
LCD Display $10.00 N/A
Black Console Box $5.00 N/A
Mini Breadboard $5.00 N/A
Jumper Wire $2.00 N/A
Raspberry Pi Pico $4.00 N/A
Battery Holder and 3 x AA Batteries $5.50 N/A