* V. Hunter Adams (vha3@cornell.edu)
* This demonstration utilizes the MPU6050.
* It gathers raw accelerometer/gyro measurements, scales
* them, and plots them to the VGA display. The top plot
* shows gyro measurements, bottom plot shows accelerometer
* measurements.
* - GPIO 16 ---> VGA Hsync
* - GPIO 17 ---> VGA Vsync
* - GPIO 18 ---> 330 ohm resistor ---> VGA Red
* - GPIO 19 ---> 330 ohm resistor ---> VGA Green
* - GPIO 20 ---> 330 ohm resistor ---> VGA Blue
* - RP2040 GND ---> VGA GND
* - GPIO 8 ---> MPU6050 SDA
* - GPIO 9 ---> MPU6050 SCL
* - 3.3v ---> MPU6050 VCC
* - RP2040 GND ---> MPU6050 GND
// #include
// // Include standard libraries
// #include
#include "sensor.h"
// Include PICO libraries
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "pico/multicore.h"
// Include hardware libraries
#include "hardware/pwm.h"
#include "hardware/dma.h"
#include "hardware/irq.h"
#include "hardware/adc.h"
#include "hardware/gpio.h"
#include "hardware/i2c.h"
// #include "hardware/gpio.h"
// Include custom libraries
#include "mpu6050.h"
//might need to use newrange and oldrange here
// Global variables
// int screen_x = 320; // Middle of the screen
// int screen_y = 240; // Middle of the screen
// #define BUTTON_PIN 10 // whatever pin we use this is GPIO number, define this is in main controller
fix15 reference_orientation[6]; // stores reference data 3 for accel, 3 for gyro
//detect button presses
// volatile bool userClicked = false;
// //detect calibrate button press
// volatile bool is_calibrated = false;
//button_pressed; // define this as a macro
//fix15 acceleration[3], gyro[3];
#define scale_factor 2.0
void setup() {
i2c_init(I2C_CHAN, I2C_BAUD_RATE);
gpio_set_function(SDA_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
gpio_set_function(SCL_PIN, GPIO_FUNC_I2C);
// Process gyroscope data to determine horizontal movement
int process_gyro_data_for_y(fix15 *gyro) {
// Gyro data on the x-axis
fix15 gyro_y = gyro[0];
// Convert gyro data to x movement
// Scale factor determines sensitivity of cursor movement
//float scale_factor = 1.0f; // random scale value
int dy = (int)(fix2float15(gyro_y) * scale_factor);
return dy;
// Process gyroscope data to determine horizontal movement
int process_gyro_data_for_x(fix15 *gyro) {
// Gyro data on the x-axis
fix15 gyro_x = gyro[2];
// Convert gyro data to x movement
// Scale factor determines sensitivity of cursor movement
//float scale_factor = 1.0f; // random scale value
int dx = (int)(fix2float15(gyro_x) * scale_factor);
return dx;
// Process accelerometer data to determine vertical movement
int process_acceleration_data_for_y(fix15 *acceleration) {
// Acceleration data on the y-axis
fix15 accel_y = acceleration[1];
// Convert acceleration data to y movement
// Scale factor determines sensitivity of cursor movement
float y_scale_factor = 3.0f; // Also random
int dy = (int)(fix2float15(accel_y) * y_scale_factor);
return dy;
//helps againt big jumps
int clamp_movement(int movement) {
const int max_movement = 5; // random value not sure what we want to use for this
if (movement > max_movement) return max_movement;
if (movement < -max_movement) return -max_movement;
return movement;
//main loop, We could implement this as a threat as well
void getData(volatile bool userClicked, volatile bool *is_calibrated, volatile int* screen_x, volatile int* screen_y) {
//Check for button press to set reference orientation
// if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == 1 && !is_calibrated) {//
// mpu6050_read_raw(reference_orientation, reference_orientation + 3); // First 3 for accel, next 3 for gyro
// is_calibrated = true;
// }
//Check for button press to set reference orientation
// printf("check?");
if (userClicked && !*is_calibrated) {//get userClicked from main controller
// printf("here1");
mpu6050_read_raw(reference_orientation, reference_orientation + 3); // First 3 for accel, next 3 for gyro
*is_calibrated = true;
if (*is_calibrated) {
fix15 current_orientation[6]; // Current IMU data
mpu6050_read_raw(current_orientation, current_orientation + 3);
// Calculate relative movement
int dx, dy;
calculate_relative_movement(reference_orientation, current_orientation, &dx, &dy);
dx = process_gyro_data_for_x(current_orientation + 3);
dy = process_gyro_data_for_y(current_orientation + 3);
// Map to screen coordinates (implement this function based on your screen dimensions and desired scaling)
map_to_screen_coordinates(dx, dy, screen_x, screen_y);
// Update cursor on VGA display
//update_cursor_on_VGA(screen_x, screen_y);
void calculate_relative_movement(fix15 *reference, fix15 *current, int *dx, int *dy) {
// Calculate the differences
fix15 diff_accel_x = current[0] - reference[0]; // X-axis accelerometer
fix15 diff_gyro_y = current[4] - reference[4]; // Y-axis gyroscope
// Translate to movement
//float scale_factor = 1.0f; // Adjust this based on testing
*dx = (int)(fix2float15(diff_gyro_y) * scale_factor); // Horizontal movement
*dy = (int)(fix2float15(diff_accel_x) * scale_factor); // Vertical movement
//might need to play around with this
void map_to_screen_coordinates(int dx, int dy, volatile int* screen_x,volatile int* screen_y) {
// Constants for screen dimensions, can define this at the top later too
const int screen_width = 640;
const int screen_height = 480;
// Scale factors, can also define these at the top when we get it working
const float x_scale = 1.0f;
const float y_scale = -2.0f;
// Update screen coordinates based on the scaled movement, need to adjust this, have this is lab 3 as well
*screen_x += (int)(dx * x_scale);
*screen_y += (int)(dy * y_scale);
// Clamp the screen coordinates to the screen dimensions
if (*screen_x < 0) *screen_x = 0;
if (*screen_x >= screen_width) *screen_x = screen_width - 1;
if (*screen_y < 0) *screen_y = 0;
if (*screen_y >= screen_height) *screen_y = screen_height - 1;
// we will do this in the main thread instead
// void update_cursor_on_VGA(int x, int y) {
// // Define cursor
// const int cursor_size = 5;
// const int cursor_color = WHITE;
// const int bg_color = BLACK; // whatever colors we want to use
// // Erase previous cursor
// fillRect(screen_x, screen_y, cursor_size, cursor_size, bg_color);
// // Draw the cursor at new position
// fillRect(x, y, cursor_size, cursor_size, cursor_color);
// // Update cursor position variables
// screen_x = x;
// screen_y = y;
// }