* Hunter Adams (vha3@cornell.edu)
#include "stdio.h"
#include "hardware/i2c.h"
#include "mpu6050.h"
void mpu6050_reset() {
// Two byte reset. First byte register, second byte data
// There are a load more options to set up the device in
// different ways that could be added here
uint8_t buf[] = {0x6B, 0x00};
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, buf, 2, false);
// Set gyro sample rate (set to 1KHz, same as accel)
uint8_t gyro_rate[] = {0x19, 0b00000111} ;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, gyro_rate, 2, false);
// Configure the Gyro range (+/- 250 deg/s)
uint8_t gyro_settings[] = {0x1b, 0b00000000} ;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, gyro_settings, 2, false);
// Configure the Accel range (+/- 2g's)
uint8_t accel_settings[] = {0x1c, 0b00000000} ;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, accel_settings, 2, false);
// Configure interrupt pin
uint8_t pin_settings[] = {0x37, 0b00010000} ;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, pin_settings, 2, false);
// Configure data ready interrupt
uint8_t int_config[] = {0x38, 0x01} ;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, int_config, 2, false);
void mpu6050_read_raw(fix15 accel[3], fix15 gyro[3]) {
// For this particular device, we send the device the register we want to read
// first, then subsequently read from the device. The register is auto incrementing
// so we don't need to keep sending the register we want, just the first.
uint8_t buffer[6];
int16_t temp_accel, temp_gyro ;
// Start reading acceleration registers from register 0x3B for 6 bytes
uint8_t val = 0x3B;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, &val, 1, true); // true to keep master control of bus
i2c_read_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, buffer, 6, false);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
temp_accel = (buffer[i<<1] << 8 | buffer[(i<<1) + 1]);
accel[i] = temp_accel ;
accel[i] <<= 2 ; // convert to g's (fixed point)
// Now gyro data from reg 0x43 for 6 bytes
// The register is auto incrementing on each read
val = 0x43;
i2c_write_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, &val, 1, true);
i2c_read_blocking(I2C_CHAN, ADDRESS, buffer, 6, false); // False - finished with bus
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
temp_gyro = (buffer[i<<1] << 8 | buffer[(i<<1) + 1]);
gyro[i] = temp_gyro ;
gyro[i] = multfix15(gyro[i], 500<<16) ; // deg/sec