For our final project, we created Jambot. Born out of a love for jamming with friends and improvising over backing tracks, the Jambot listens to music played by the user to detect the key of the played track and then improvises with the user's song in that key. The Jambot system relies and runs on a Raspberry Pi Pico, a Software Development Kit for the RP2040 microcontroller. In addition to this key piece of hardware, other main components are Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) connected to speakers for sound synthesis, and an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) connected to a microphone to analyze the user's song. On the software side, the output song is synthesized using an algorithm called FM synthesis. We were able to find an FM synthesis implementation already created by Bruce Land and utilized it. We played around with the parameters of the algorithm to output a tone similar to a piano, but more robotic sounding. We built off of this program by adding more notes and keys as well as a few random number generators to compute the next output note. The input song is analyzed using a Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) program also created by Bruce Land. We altered the program to be much more precise, which we found necessary for accurate key detection. On top of that, we implemented a key detection algorithm after frequencies from the input song were identified with the FFT. Ultimately, Jambot works and is a fun system to play around with. It still can sound a bit robotic or random, and it would be interesting to continue working on the project to see how human-like it could become.
One of us enjoys playing saxophone with her friends. Oftentimes the friends play chords on guitar and/or keyboard and sing the lyrics of a chosen song, while the saxophone player plays phrases of random notes that are in the key of the song. Something that she found interesting is that she often had no idea what she was about to play, but as long as she knew the key and could feel the general mood and tempo of the song, it usually sounded pretty good. That brought up questions about what is necessary for improvising over a song - could a program be just as good as our mediocre saxophone player if it followed those same guidelines? This idea is what the Jambot explores.
When the system starts, the user will be asked to input a tempo (speed of the song in beats per minute), and choose a setting for inputting weights. These weights affect the probability of which note will be played next. Each note in the scale has an array of 8 weights, each associated with the probability of the next possible notes. There are three weights settings: equal weights, jazzy weights, and custom weights. When the serial inputs are collected, the Jambot begins detecting the key of the input song. The user can see the progress along the way such as which frequencies have been detected. When 15 frequencies are detected, the Jambot begins cycling through key signatures. The user can see which keys the Jambot is checking, and which one it lands on. If after checking through three keys, none of the keys matched, then it starts the frequency detection process over again. As soon as a key is detected, the Jambot begins outputting a song. Based on the tempo, we have tried to output lengths of notes to match the mood of the song (i.e. slower songs are more likely to have whole notes or half notes while faster songs are more likely to have sixteenth notes.) The Jambot will continue outputting tones until the user resets the system.
There are four distinct phases of this program. These phases will be discussed in detail in the Software Design Section.
In terms of tradeoffs between hardware and software, we could improve upon the microphone part of the circuit. We use a fairly simple and cheap microphone from Adafruit. We noticed that in an empty room, the key detection worked with a much higher accuracy than it did in a room with other people who were talking or making other sounds. To account for the sometimes noisy conditions, we implemented a slow and accurate FFT function to detect frequencies and (hopefully) discard noise. If we had a more sophisticated and noise-canceling microphone system, we could have written a faster FFT function. Beyond this notable tradeoff, we cannot think of an any possible improvements or sacrifices made to the system.
We did not base this idea off of anything that is already on the market, and after coming up with the idea, we could not find any device that does exactly what Jambot does. That being said, there is definitely an AI music software out there such as SoundRaw, which allows you to design your own song based on input mood, genre, and the length of the song; and AIVA, which allows you to create theme music to match the background of whatever you are implementing. To the best of our knowledge, we are not intentionally breaking any patent laws.
As mentioned, Bruce Land's FM synthesis code was referenced in order to generate our system's instrumental like sounds. In general, FM synthesis can be utilized to produce many instrumental sounds like strings or drums; Land uses the following equation:
with exponential functions within each of the envelopes.1
Land then utilizes the first order differential equation Euler approximation, where at each time step the exponential functions are calculated. Some rearranging and simplifying, as K*dt < 1, results in the following:
Bruce Land also uses the following variables in his program: F_main, F_fm, attack_main, attack_fm, DK_main, DK_fm, depth_fm, sustain time. Modifying combinations of these variables can impact the resulting sound.1
The purpose of a fast fourier transform is to transfer a signal from one domain to some representation in the frequency domain. Bruce Land's FFT program was used. First, the FFT is initialized by creating a 2048 sized sinwave and window table. Then by using imaginary and real inputs, takes a forward fast fourier transform to decompose the input data and get the frequency bin amplitudes. A log2 approximation is then taken. Below is the basic Forward Fast Fourier Transform Equation.2
To have a true random generator we used Deemo Chen's random generator implementation. According to Chen, a ring oscillator - an odd series of NOT gates that creates an unstable system - results in unpredictability that matches a true random generator; additionally, since the RP2040 has a register where this output can be accessed, Chen's generator can input a number, n, and output a number between 0 and 2n.3 Below is his RNG implementation.
We approached the project in two parts: first generate sounds that sound musical, then implement key detection.
To generate sound, we used an FM synthesis program created by Professor Land.(1) FM synthesis is similar to Direct Digital Synthesis which we used in the Cricket Chirp Synthesis lab, but it produces more musical tones. Professor Land's program output and cycled through the seven notes in a C scale.
We built upon this program to fit our needs by adding two random number generators: one to select which frequency to play next (note_SM()) and another to select the time-length of that note (rand_note_length()). As stated in the background math/algorithms section, we used a random number generator created by Deemo Chen who is also in this class.3 Here is a code snippet from the FM Synthesis thread showing how the outputs from these RNGS decide the next note that will be played:
To play around with different keys, tempos, and weights, we added a serial input interface for these values. Professor Land's original code outputs the C scale at a tempo of about 80 beats per minute (BPM), and we were able to multiply the lengths of the FM Synthesis time parameters by a factor of the inputted tempo. There are 12 different major keys, and the only way to be able to "pick" between them is with a long if-else statement. Based on the input key signature, the if statement associated with that key would assign each of the elements in the frequency array with the appropriate frequencies in that key. Here is a snippet of two of those 12 cases.
At this point, the Jambot was outputting random songs with specified tempos, keys, and weights. We were ready to move on to key detection.
We thought about the Cricket Chirp Synthesis Lab, and how FFT was used to detect other cricket chirps at specific frequencies. We tried to use the working FFT code from the first lab and add it to our now working Jambot code, but it proved to be challenging. Professor Land's FM synthesis program already had FFT capabilities, but it calculated the FFT of the output frequency instead of any signals from a microphone. Professor Land's code did not use a microphone at all. Furthermore, the FFT algorithm already in the FM synthesis program used fix12 and fix14 data types, while we had been using fix15 all semester. We would run into dozens of data type and variable name errors several times and end up scrapping our progress and returning to where we had started before trying to combine code.
We spent about a week trying to figure out how to combine the code or alter the FFT functions that were already in the FM synthesis program, without much luck. Finally, we realized that Professor Land had another program which did use a microphone and computed FFT on the microphone data to detect frequencies, using the same data types that we had in our FM synthesis program.1 It even came with a VGA display that displayed the current heard frequency and its spectrum diagram. At this point, we had a lot of practice with trying to combine new FFT functions to replace the original ones in our FM synthesis program, so we were able to successfully integrate the programs almost immediately.
Now frequency detection worked, and we needed to come up with a way to use that data to determine a pattern, or a key signature. To approach this task, we thought about how people with perfect pitch might determine keys of songs.
We understand limited music theory, but we know that there is a pattern that in simpler songs, root notes, or the "name" of the key, are frequently played throughout the song. In Cornell's Alma Mater, the root note is the start note of 3 of the 4 phrases, and the last note of 2 of the 4 phrases.4 Other common notes in simple songs are thirds, fifths, and sevenths. We used this "common note" observation to implement our key detection function.
In the FFT function, we detect the highest peak bin. When the maximum magnitude frequency is the same frequency two times in a row, we add that frequency to an array. We wait for duplicate detections to limit noise being detected. When 15 elements have been stored in this array, we move to the Key Detection Function. This function will compare the collected frequencies to the frequencies in several guessed key signatures. First, each of the frequencies in the detected array are normalized to within a range of a specific octave for comparison purposes. We utilized the fact that all octave jumps are related by a factor of two i.e. C4 is twice the amount of Hertz as C3. Also, any frequencies lower than 60 Hz or higher than 4200 Hz are discarded. For reference, middle C is about 261 Hz.
With this normalized array, we find the mode. Then, we guess that the mode is the root note of the key and compare all of the elements in the array to that key. If it is not a match, we move onto the fifth. If that is not a match, then we try the seventh. For example, if C is the mode then we first try the key of C, then the key of F, then the key of Db. When a match is detected, the program immediately enters the song output that we implemented before. If a match is not detected from any of these three tries, then the program goes back to the FFT function and starts the detected notes array filling process over again.
While testing this comparison method, we realized that frequencies from the FFT function to be as accurate as possible. Initially, the code used 512 bins, and there were a few frequencies which were in between two different notes. To make the frequency divisions more precise, we increased the number of bins to 2048. This slowed down the process quite a bit, which was visually observed by how much the VGA display was suddenly lagging. However, to the user, the process does not take very long so this justified the longer computation time.
Since the physical needs of this project were identical to those of the Cricket Chirp Synthesis lab (Lab 1), we used the same circuit design.5 It is a simple circuit and could easily and cheaply be rebuilt.
Over the course of four weeks, with discussion with staff, we were able to adjust and achieve our goals. Our conceptual system was composed of many components that we had to implement. With the FM synthesis and FFT programs already implemented, we created a method for key detection. We also implemented random generators for which note of the heard key would be played and for what duration. To create different rhythms and create better matching ones, probability weights for note and duration were created and allowed to be inputted by the user. In addition, this latter feature would take into account the beats per measure. Additionally, an input for tempo was created, and was used as an indicator for whether longer or shorter notes would be favored at faster or higher tempoed songs, respectively.
With each implementation, the system was tested through a variety of ways. For example, since we wanted our Jambot to sound like a musical instrument, parameters of the FM synthesis program were modified and tested through audio output. A problem that surfaced was that the notes sounded choppy and did not seem to be "played" the entire duration, with pauses between notes. Removing a yield function within the protothread_fm fixed this problem, as there was a noticeable auditory difference. When initially working with Bruce Land's code and troubleshooting, we heavily relied on the serial interface as well as the VGA frequency spectrum display. Features such as the probability inputs, random generator output, and additional notes played for a certain duration to a list were tested with print statements and the serial interface as well. Each note held for a certain duration (that also was added to a list) were printed to the serial interface. The detected key or failure of key detection were added as messages to the serial interface as well.
While there was testing for features of the program as it was built, there was also separate testing for the completed system as a whole. To test the system, we played a variety of songs of known key, tempo (beats per measure), and genre. When first testing the system we noticed two things: one, our system didn't always rhythmically match the song, and two, our system took a much longer time to detect the key of faster tempo songs. We were able to notice this by listening to audio output, as well as watching what frequencies were held for a certain time and added to the list. Initially, for a note to be considered held for a duration of time, three beats of the same frequency had to be detected; this was changed to two beats to reduce the time needed for a key to be detected for faster songs. Even though we were able to achieve all of the aforementioned features, we wanted the JamBot to sound rhythmic or harmonious as it played along with a chosen song. To do this, we designed a few versions of the probability weights. By "version," each key had weights that were changed to sound differently. For example, by referencing sheet music, jazz-like weights were created. The other versions were an "equal" weights implementation, where probabilities were the same across all keys, and a version that could be inputted by the user. To correct for faster tempo songs, a correlation program between tempo and note duration was created.
With these modifications, there was a noticeable effect on the system. For example, although there was still a slight pause between FM synthesis notes, it was not very noticeable and the JamBot output sounded like an actual instrument. The change from detecting three beats of the same frequency to two beats also sped up the time it took for a key to be detected. We found that most songs took from 10 seconds to 1 minute for the key to be detected; longer durations were noticed for songs with more accidentals or notes that are half steps above or below a note of the key. Detection of the frequencies held for a number of beats were detected and printed to the serial interface immediately. Once the list reached the required minimum number of detected notes, the system took about less than a second to start playing notes of a certain key or, in case of key detection failure, relistening for more notes. Accuracy of notes detected was ensured by using the VGA frequency display from Bruce Land's code, and for notes played, frequencies were hardcoded from online sources. The tempo, note duration, and correlation between these features was tested by using a metronome and manually adjusting the calculated tempo variable in the code.
The JamBot system relies mostly on software implementations. Any hardware additions were insulated or properly physically isolated from one another on the circuit. The circuit itself relied on voltage from lab computers to the Raspberry Pi pico. Filtering also occurred through software functions. Therefore, the system is safe to use by most users. For ease of use, the serial interface was a key component. One key feature was a menu of default probability weights that a user could choose from- "jazzy weights," "equal weights," or "create new weights." Other messages were prompted to the user to input values such as for tempo. By having a series of messages and values that could be entered with the lab computer keyboard, adjustable parameters could easily be changed. For a song to be detected, the user would only need to choose a song on their phone and have the phone positioned near the microphone of the circuit. To reset the system and play a new song, the buttons of the USB extension of the lab computer would need to be powered off and back on. As such, the system does not have many components that the user has to change, and if the components did change, the user could easily adjust them.
When we first envisioned and suggested our project, our idea was to have the pico reproduce a jazz solo. Given a key and tempo through serial communication, using a microphone and FFT, the Pico would be able to determine which pitches are being played and which key those pitches have in common. We also planned to start the solo production with two random number generators: one that assigns the next note to play and another to determine how long to play that note. To make the solos sound less random, we could write a Machine Learning program (Markov model) with classic jazz solos on another computer. The Pico could then learn which "steps" (relationships between successive notes) sound better.
Though our final system wasn't necessarily the exact same as what we initially thought, we were still able to produce a successful system that met and exceeded our expectations. In the end, we created a system that took in a musical input, then using FFT, the system was able to detect the key the input was in and output a succession of random notes that had the same tempo as our input song. There were ideas from our original design that remained in our final design, we still input our tempo, we still had our Pico determine the key based on the pitches that were heard, and we still had notes be randomly played in succession. There were also ideas that were changed and removed that either elevated or simplified our design. For example, instead of the notes in succession played being fully random, each pitch within the key was given weights, where each weight determined the likelihood of the note playing. Thus we were able to manipulate the weights ourselves to hear what sounded best with a song. This feature also replaced the need for the machine learning algorithm we initially proposed. Additionally, instead of the length of each note being at random, the note length was dependent on the song. Our system would replicate the note length of the song. If the song were playing a half note, the system would play a half note and that was consistent for all notes.
In order to implement our system, the basis of our code was developed using code from Bruce Land's ECE4760 website. We drew our inspiration from Bruce's use of FM sound synthesis in order to reproduce the piano sound, as well as his building of the FFT in order to obtain data acquired by the Pico. Other than Bruce's code which is on a public domain, the rest was built by us. So it'll likely be able to be patented.
There's a lot we could expand upon with this project. For example, we could try again to make sounds smoother with a Markov model using machine learning. An issue that we ran into during the lab was that for songs that had accidentals or a faster tempo, the system took longer to pick up the correct key. Perhaps implementing the machine learning program would further improve upon those issues in the future. Another place where we could improve is our system works great with instrumentals, but not the best with songs with lyrics. So we could also change our system by refining it to accommodate songs with lyrics. Given that the microphone is pretty sensitive, maybe we could change it to one that is less influenced by outside noise. Lastly, we decided that our system would output piano keys rather than guitar keys since piano was both more jazz-like, and was already implemented in Bruce's code. To further expand on that, we could have our system detect what instrument is playing and play back the song with the same instrument.
The group approves this report for inclusion on the course website.
The group approves the video for inclusion on the course youtube channel.
1. Land, B. (2011, September 11). ECE4760 PIC32 sound. Electrical and Computer Engineering | Electrical and Computer Engineering; ECE 4760 - Bruce Land.
2. Fourier Transform - Definition, Formula, Properties, Applications and Examples. (2022, June 22). BYJUS; BYJU'S.
3. Chen, D. (2022, October 2). RP2040 Randomness and Ring Oscillator - DeemOcean. DeemOcean; Deemo Yizhou Chen Observatory.
4. Alma Mater - Sidney Cox Library of Music and Dance. (n.d.). Sidney Cox Library of Music and Dance. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from
5. Adams, H. (n.d.-b). Crickets. Index; ECE 4760 - Van Hunter Adams. Retrieved December 13, 2022, from
We all put in equal work in terms of debugging and thinking of how to implement the program. Wanda helped with the music theory side of things, Kaitlyn wrote and turned in all of the weekly checkpoints, and Nia tested the hardware and the checkpoints along the way.
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2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 | /** * Credit to Hunter Adams (, Bruce Land (, and Deemo Chen * ( * * HARDWARE CONNECTIONS * - GPIO 16 ---> VGA Hsync * - GPIO 17 ---> VGA Vsync * - GPIO 18 ---> 330 ohm resistor ---> VGA Green lo-bit |__ both wired to 150 ohm to ground * - GPIO 19 ---> 220 ohm resistor ---> VGA Green hi_bit | and to VGA Green * - GPIO 20 ---> 330 ohm resistor ---> VGA Blue * - GPIO 21 ---> 330 ohm resistor ---> VGA Red * - RP2040 GND ---> VGA GND * * RESOURCES USED * - PIO state machines 0, 1, and 2 on PIO instance 0 * - DMA channels 0, 1, 2, and 3 * - 153.6 kBytes of RAM (for pixel color data) * * Protothreads v1.1.1 * Serial console on GPIO 0 and 1 for debugging * * * DAC : * GPIO 5 (pin 7) Chip select GPIO 6 (pin 9) SCK/spi0_sclk GPIO 7 (pin 10) MOSI/spi0_tx 3.3v (pin 36) -> VCC on DAC GND (pin 3) -> GND on DAC * */ // ========================================== // === VGA graphics library // ========================================== #include "vga16_graphics.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "hardware/pio.h" #include "hardware/dma.h" #include "hardware/adc.h" #include "hardware/pwm.h" #include "hardware/irq.h" #include "hardware/spi.h" // // Our assembled programs: // // Each gets the name <pio_filename.pio.h> // #include "hsync.pio.h" // #include "vsync.pio.h" // #include "rgb.pio.h" // ========================================== // === hardware and protothreads globals // ========================================== #include "hardware/sync.h" #include "hardware/timer.h" #include "pico/multicore.h" #include "string.h" #include <time.h> // protothreads header #include "pt_cornell_rp2040_v1_1_1.h" // globals for the graphincs short adc_x, adc_y; short draw_x, draw_y, last_draw_x, last_draw_y, last_click_x, last_click_y, x_latch; short click, double_click, button, last_button, click_latch; short first_click = 1; int click_time, last_click_time; int clicked_item; float serial_value; char serial_value_input[32]; volatile int rando = 0; volatile float rand_len = 0; //these aren't named very well lol bool sm_EN = 0; //enable mic stuff bool kd_EN = 0; //key detection done (also necessary for audo state machine) bool mic_EN = 1; //when key detection is done, stop detecting // data semaphore to control fft on core 1 struct pt_sem run_fft_s, finish_fft_s ; // protection for printing spin_lock_t * lock_stdout ; // unprotected global to halt display static int run_stop = 1 ; // ========================================== // Some globals for storing timer information // ========================================== volatile unsigned int time_accum = 0; unsigned int time_accum_old = 0 ; char timetext[40]; //from Deemo Chen RNG #define ROSC_RANDOMBIT_OFFSET _u(0x0000001c) #define ROSC_BASE _u(0x40060000) // Timer interrupt bool repeating_timer_callback(struct repeating_timer *t) { time_accum += 1 ; return true; } // =========================================== // ADC setup + DMA channel for ADC // =========================================== // setup ADC #define adc_array_length 2048 // raw from ADC short adc_data[adc_array_length] ; // formatted for scope trace short display_data[adc_array_length] ; short fft_display_data[adc_array_length] ; short log_display_data[adc_array_length] ; // copy of data short analysis_data[adc_array_length] ; // copy of data short fft_data[adc_array_length] ; int ADC_setup(void){ adc_init(); adc_gpio_init(26); // p26 is ADC input 0 adc_select_input(0); // 48 MHz clock / 12.8 KHz sample rate //adc_set_clkdiv (3750); // 16 KHz 32 mSec window adc_set_clkdiv (3000); // free run adc_run(1); // result is in adc_hw->result // but we are going to forward that to the FIFO //adc_fifo_setup(bool en, bool dreq_en, uint16_t dreq_thresh, bool err_in_fifo, bool byte_shift) // fifo_enable, dreq_enable, thresh=1, no error, dont shift to 8-bits(for 8-bit PWM) adc_fifo_setup(1,1,1,0,0); // // the DMA channel int ADC_data_chan = 11 ; // // Conflict with video gen code: //int ADC_data_chan = dma_claim_unused_channel(true); // The acdtual data channel dma_channel_config c2 = dma_channel_get_default_config(ADC_data_chan); channel_config_set_transfer_data_size(&c2, DMA_SIZE_16); channel_config_set_read_increment(&c2, false); channel_config_set_write_increment(&c2, true); channel_config_set_irq_quiet(&c2, true); channel_config_set_enable(&c2, true); //channel_config_set_chain_to(&c2, ctrl_chan) ; channel_config_set_dreq(&c2, DREQ_ADC); // dma_channel_configure(ADC_data_chan, &c2, adc_data, // write_addr, to array &adc_hw->fifo, // read_addr, the table adc_array_length, // one ADC value, 1) ; // trigger return ADC_data_chan ; } // =========================================== // Cursor // =========================================== short cursor_pixel_x[5], cursor_pixel_y[5]; // Erase cursor // replace cursor color with saved image colors void erase_cursor(short x, short y) { // first the x direction, then y for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { drawPixel(x - 2 + i, y, cursor_pixel_x[i]); drawPixel(x, y - 2 + i, cursor_pixel_y[i]); } } // Draw cursor // replace image with cursor color and save image pixels void draw_cursor(short x, short y) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cursor_pixel_x[i] = readPixel(x - 2 + i, y); cursor_pixel_y[i] = readPixel(x, y - 2 + i); drawPixel(x - 2 + i, y, WHITE); drawPixel(x, y - 2 + i, WHITE); } } // ================================================== // === set up a menu scheme for use with VGA // ================================================== // There is one list of up to 16 items drawn down the left side of the screen // ALL items store and update using float values // int values are copied from the float struct menu_item { // displayed string char item_name[15]; // displayed color int item_color; //1=float 0=int ; int item_data_type; // 1=log 0=linear int item_inc_type; // increment delta if linear, ratio if log float item_increment; // the current value, min, max // al updates are performed on float, then copied to int int item_int_value; float item_float_value; float item_float_min; float item_float_max; }; //variables input by user // probability variables float probs0[8], probs1[8], probs2[8], probs3[8], probs4[8], probs5[8], probs6[8], probs7[8]; int tempo; char key[2]; volatile int curr_index, next_index = 7; // ====== // build the menu array of items struct menu_item menu[16]; // Actually use 11 in this example #define menu_length 11 // void draw_item(short menu_x, short menu_y, int item_index, int menu_num_items) { if (item_index < menu_num_items) { // display the name setTextColor(menu[item_index].item_color); setCursor(menu_x, menu_y + item_index * 25); setTextSize(1); writeString(menu[item_index].item_name); // display the value setTextColor(WHITE); fillRect(menu_x, menu_y + item_index * 25 + 10, 90, 11, BLACK); setCursor(menu_x, menu_y + item_index * 25 + 11); char value_str[15]; // copy float to int value menu[item_index].item_int_value = (int)menu[item_index].item_float_value; // get the data type in bit 0 if (menu[item_index].item_data_type == 0) sprintf(value_str, "%d", menu[item_index].item_int_value); if (menu[item_index].item_data_type == 1) sprintf(value_str, "%8.3f", menu[item_index].item_float_value); writeString(value_str); } } // ===== void draw_menu(short menu_x, short menu_y, int menu_num_items) { for (int i = 0; i < menu_num_items; i++) { draw_item(menu_x, menu_y, i, menu_num_items); } } // ===== change value with serial // direction is 1 for increase, -1 for decrease void change_value_serial(int index, float value) { menu[index].item_float_value = value; // check min/max if (menu[index].item_float_value > menu[index].item_float_max) menu[index].item_float_value = menu[index].item_float_max; if (menu[index].item_float_value < menu[index].item_float_min) menu[index].item_float_value = menu[index].item_float_min; // update integer to match menu[index].item_int_value = (int)menu[index].item_float_value; } //Deemo Chen RNG // return random number by ROSC between 0-9 // N should be in [0,32] float rand_note_length(float max_length) { static volatile uint32_t *randbit_reg = (uint32_t *)(ROSC_BASE + ROSC_RANDOMBIT_OFFSET); unsigned int random = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { unsigned int random_bit = 0x1 & (*randbit_reg); random = random << 1 | random_bit; } int len = random % 10; // printf("len: %d max_length: %f \n", len, max_length); //favor longer notes for slow songs if(tempo < 100) { if(len == 2 && max_length == 4.0) // whole note return 4.0; else if(len <= 4 && max_length >= 2.0) //half note return 2.0; else if(len <= 6 && max_length >= 1.0) //quarter note return 1.0; else if(len <= 7 && max_length >= 0.5) // eighth note return 0.50; else if(len <= 8 && max_length >= 0.25) // sixteenth note return 0.25; else return 0.125; // really fast notes sound cool!' } // favor mid length notes for medium paces else if(tempo < 140) { if(len == 1 && max_length == 4.0) // whole note return 4.0; else if(len <= 4 && max_length >= 2.0) //half note return 2.0; else if(len <= 6 && max_length >= 1.0) //quarter note return 1.0; else if(len <= 7 && max_length >= 0.5) // eighth note return 0.50; else if(len <= 8 && max_length >= 0.25) // sixteenth note return 0.25; else return 0.125; // really fast notes sound cool!' } // short note for fast songs else if (tempo < 180) { if (len <= 1 && max_length >= 2.0) //half note return 2.0; else if(len <= 3 && max_length >= 1.0) //quarter note return 1.0; else if(len <= 5 && max_length >= 0.5) // eighth note return 0.50; else if(len <= 7 && max_length >= 0.25) // sixteenth note return 0.25; else return 0.125; // really fast notes sound cool!' } else { if (len <= 1 && max_length >= 2.0) //half note return 2.0; else if(len <= 2 && max_length >= 1.0) //quarter note return 1.0; else if(len <= 4 && max_length >= 0.5) // eighth note return 0.50; else if(len <= 7 && max_length >= 0.25) // sixteenth note return 0.25; else return 0.125; // really fast notes sound cool!' } } //Deemo Chen RNG // return random number by ROSC between 0-9 // N should be in [0,32] int ROrand(int N) { static volatile uint32_t *randbit_reg = (uint32_t *)(ROSC_BASE + ROSC_RANDOMBIT_OFFSET); unsigned int random = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { unsigned int random_bit = 0x1 & (*randbit_reg); random = random << 1 | random_bit; } return random % 10; } int note_SM() { int r = ROrand(10); rando = r; // printf("rando: %d\n curr_ind: %d\n", rando, curr_index); int note = 0; switch(curr_index) { case 0: if(r <= probs0[0] - 1) next_index = 0; else if(r <= probs0[1] - 1) next_index = 1; else if(r <= probs0[2] - 1) next_index = 2; else if(r <= probs0[3] - 1) next_index = 3; else if(r <= probs0[4] - 1) next_index = 4; else if(r <= probs0[5] - 1) next_index = 5; else if(r <= probs0[6] - 1) next_index = 6; else next_index = 7; break; case 1: if(r <= probs1[0] - 1) next_index = 1; else if(r <= probs1[1] - 1) next_index = 2; else if(r <= probs1[2] - 1) next_index = 3; else if(r <= probs1[3] - 1) next_index = 4; else if(r <= probs1[4] - 1) next_index = 5; else if(r <= probs1[5] - 1) next_index = 6; else if(r <= probs1[6] - 1) next_index = 7; else next_index = 0; break; case 2: if(r <= probs2[0] - 1) next_index = 2; else if(r <= probs2[1] - 1) next_index = 3; else if(r <= probs2[2] - 1) next_index = 4; else if(r <= probs2[3] - 1) next_index = 5; else if(r <= probs2[4] - 1) next_index = 6; else if(r <= probs2[5] - 1) next_index = 7; else if(r <= probs2[6] - 1) next_index = 0; else next_index = 1; break; case 3: if(r <= probs3[0] - 1) next_index = 3; else if(r <= probs3[1] - 1) next_index = 4; else if(r <= probs3[2] - 1) next_index = 5; else if(r <= probs3[3] - 1) next_index = 6; else if(r <= probs3[4] - 1) next_index = 7; else if(r <= probs3[5] - 1) next_index = 0; else if(r <= probs3[6] - 1) next_index = 1; else next_index = 2; break; case 4: if(r <= probs4[0] - 1) next_index = 4; else if(r <= probs4[1] - 1) next_index = 5; else if(r <= probs4[2] - 1) next_index = 6; else if(r <= probs4[3] - 1) next_index = 7; else if(r <= probs4[4] - 1) next_index = 0; else if(r <= probs4[5] - 1) next_index = 1; else if(r <= probs4[6] - 1) next_index = 2; else next_index = 3; break; case 5: if(r <= probs5[0] - 1) next_index = 5; else if(r <= probs5[1] - 1) next_index = 6; else if(r <= probs5[2] - 1) next_index = 7; else if(r <= probs5[3] - 1) next_index = 0; else if(r <= probs5[4] - 1) next_index = 1; else if(r <= probs5[5] - 1) next_index = 2; else if(r <= probs5[6] - 1) next_index = 3; else next_index = 4; break; case 6: if(r <= probs6[0] - 1) next_index = 6; else if(r <= probs6[1] - 1) next_index = 7; else if(r <= probs6[2] - 1) next_index = 0; else if(r <= probs6[3] - 1) next_index = 1; else if(r <= probs6[4] - 1) next_index = 2; else if(r <= probs6[5] - 1) next_index = 3; else if(r <= probs6[6] - 1) next_index = 4; else next_index = 5; break; case 7: if(r <= probs7[0] - 1) next_index = 7; else if(r <= probs7[1] - 1) next_index = 0; else if(r <= probs7[2] - 1) next_index = 1; else if(r <= probs7[3] - 1) next_index = 2; else if(r <= probs7[4] - 1) next_index = 3; else if(r <= probs7[5] - 1) next_index = 4; else if(r <= probs7[6] - 1) next_index = 5; else next_index = 6; break; default: next_index = 0; break; } curr_index = next_index; note = next_index; return note; } // ========================================== // === fixed point s19x12 for DDS // ========================================== // s19x12 fixed point macros == for DDS typedef signed int fix; #define mul(a, b) ((fix)((((signed long long)(a)) * ((signed long long)(b))) >> 12)) //multiply two fixed 16:16 #define float_to_fix(a) ((fix)((a)*4096.0)) // 2^12 #define fix_to_float(a) ((float)(a) / 4096.0) #define fix_to_int(a) ((int)((a) >> 12)) #define int_to_fix(a) ((fix)((a) << 12)) #define div(a, b) ((fix)((((signed long long)(a) << 12) / (b)))) #define absfix(a) abs(a) // ========================================== // === fixed point s1x14 for FFT // ========================================== // s1.14 format -- short format is faster // == resolution 2^-14 = 6.1035e-5 // == dynamic range is +1.9999/-2.0 typedef signed short s1x14; #define muls1x14(a, b) ((s1x14)((((int)(a)) * ((int)(b))) >> 14)) #define float_to_s1x14(a) ((s1x14)((a)*16384.0)) // 2^14 #define s1x14_to_float(a) ((float)(a) / 16384.0) #define abss1x14(a) abs(a) #define divs1x14(a, b) ((s1x14)((((signed int)(a) << 14) / (b)))) // shift 12 bits into 14 bits so full scale dds is about 0.25 #define dds_to_s1x14(a) ((s1x14)((a) >> 14)) // shift 12 bits into 13 bits so full scale ADC is about 0.25 #define adc_to_s1x14(a) ((s1x14)((a)<<1)) // ========================================== // === fixed point s15x16 // ========================================== // s15x16 fixed point macros == // == resolution 2^-16 = 1.5e-5 // == dynamic range is 32767/-32768 typedef signed int s15x16; #define muls15x16(a,b) ((s15x16)(((( signed long long )(a))*(( signed long long )(b)))>>16)) //multiply two fixed 16:16 #define float_to_s15x16(a) ((s15x16)((a)*65536.0)) // 2^16 #define s15x16_to_float(a) ((float)(a)/65536.0) #define s15x16_to_int(a) ((int)((a)>>16)) #define int_to_s15x16(a) ((s15x16)((a)<<16)) #define divs15x16(a,b) ((s15x16)((((signed long long)(a)<<16)/(b)))) #define abss15x16(a) abs(a) // the weird shift is to move the sign bits correctly #define s1x14_to_s15x16(a) ((s15x16)(a)<<2) ; // ========================================== // === set up SPI DAC // ========================================== // All SPI DAC setup was gotten from HUnter Adams // // DAC parameters // A-channel, 1x, active #define DAC_config_chan_A 0b0011000000000000 // B-channel, 1x, active #define DAC_config_chan_B 0b1011000000000000 //SPI configurations #define PIN_CS 5 #define PIN_SCK 6 #define PIN_MOSI 7 #define SPI_PORT spi0 // data for the spi port uint16_t DAC_data; // ========================================== // === set up DDS and timer ISR // ========================================== // 1/Fs in microseconds volatile int alarm_period = 25; // DDS variables unsigned int mod_inc[8], main_inc[8]; unsigned int current_mod_inc, current_main_inc; unsigned int mod_accum, main_accum; // amplitude paramters fix max_mod_depth, current_mod_depth; // waveform amplities -- must fit in +/-11 bits for DAC fix current_amp, max_amp = float_to_fix(2000.0); // timing in seconds fix attack_time, mod_attack_time; fix decay_time, mod_decay_time, recip_decay_time; fix sustain_time, mod_sustain_time; fix onefix = int_to_fix(1); // internal timing in samples fix song_time, note_time; fix attack_inc, decay_inc, mod_attack_inc, mod_decay_inc, quad_decay_inc; // sine waves fix sine_table[256]; fix mod_wave, main_wave; // inputs float Fs, Fout, Fmod; float notes[8]; int note_start = true; int linear_dk = 0; int octave_num; #define note_detection_size 15 float detected_notes[note_detection_size] = {0.0}; int detected_notes_index = 0; // ========================================== // === set up timer ISR used in this pgm // ========================================== // === timer alarm ======================== // !! modifiying alarm zero trashes the cpu // and causes LED 4 long - 4 short // !! DO NOT USE alarm 0 // This low-level setup is ocnsiderably faster to execute // than the hogh-level callback #define ALARM_NUM 1 #define ALARM_IRQ TIMER_IRQ_1 // ISR interval will be 10 uSec // // the actual ISR void compute_sample(void); // static void alarm_irq(void) { // mark ISR entry gpio_put(2, 1); // Clear the alarm irq hw_clear_bits(&timer_hw->intr, 1u << ALARM_NUM); // arm the next interrupt // Write the lower 32 bits of the target time to the alarm to arm it timer_hw->alarm[ALARM_NUM] = timer_hw->timerawl + alarm_period; compute_sample(); // mark ISR exit gpio_put(2, 0); } // set up the timer alarm ISR static void alarm_in_us(uint32_t delay_us) { // Enable the interrupt for our alarm (the timer outputs 4 alarm irqs) hw_set_bits(&timer_hw->inte, 1u << ALARM_NUM); // Set irq handler for alarm irq irq_set_exclusive_handler(ALARM_IRQ, alarm_irq); // Enable the alarm irq irq_set_enabled(ALARM_IRQ, true); // Enable interrupt in block and at processor // Alarm is only 32 bits uint64_t target = timer_hw->timerawl + delay_us; // Write the lower 32 bits of the target time to the alarm which // will arm it timer_hw->alarm[ALARM_NUM] = (uint32_t)target; } // =========================================== // dSP definitions // =========================================== // // FFT setup #define N_WAVE adc_array_length /* size of FFT 512 */ #define LOG2_N_WAVE 11 /* log2(N_WAVE) 0 */ s1x14 Sinewave[N_WAVE]; // a table of sines for the FFT s1x14 window[N_WAVE]; // a table of window values for the FFT s1x14 fr[N_WAVE], fi[N_WAVE]; // input data // dds output to FFT s1x14 dds[N_WAVE]; // the dds output from ISR // index into dds buffer int buffer_index; // displa points for graphiics // short display_data[N_WAVE]; // short fft_display_data[N_WAVE]; // short log_display_data[N_WAVE]; // ================================== // === Init FFT arrays //==================================== void FFTinit(void) { // one cycle sine table // required for FFT for (int ii = 0; ii < N_WAVE; ii++) { // one cycle per window for FFT -- scall amp for number of bits Sinewave[ii] = float_to_s1x14(0.5 * sin(6.283 * ((float)ii) / N_WAVE)); // Raised cos window window[ii] = float_to_s1x14(1.0 - cos(6.283 * ((float) ii) / (N_WAVE - 1))); } } // ================================== // === FFT //==================================== void FFTfix(s1x14 fr[], s1x14 fi[], int m) { //Adapted from code by: //Tom Roberts 11/8/89 and Malcolm Slaney 12/15/94 //fr[n],fi[n] are real,imaginary arrays, INPUT AND RESULT. //size of data = 2**m // This routine does foward transform only int mr, nn, i, j, L, k, istep, n; s1x14 qr, qi, tr, ti, wr, wi; mr = 0; n = 1 << m; //number of points nn = n - 1; /* decimation in time - re-order data */ for (m = 1; m <= nn; ++m) { L = n; do L >>= 1; while (mr + L > nn); mr = (mr & (L - 1)) + L; if (mr <= m) continue; tr = fr[m]; fr[m] = fr[mr]; fr[mr] = tr; ti = fi[m]; //for real inputs, don't need this fi[m] = fi[mr]; //for real inputs, don't need this fi[mr] = ti; //for real inputs, don't need this } L = 1; k = LOG2_N_WAVE - 1; while (L < n) { istep = L << 1; for (m = 0; m < L; ++m) { j = m << k; wr = Sinewave[j + N_WAVE / 4]; wi = -Sinewave[j]; //wr >>= 1; //do need if scale table //wi >>= 1; for (i = m; i < n; i += istep) { j = i + L; tr = muls1x14(wr, fr[j]) - muls1x14(wi, fi[j]); ti = muls1x14(wr, fi[j]) + muls1x14(wi, fr[j]); qr = fr[i] >> 1; qi = fi[i] >> 1; fr[j] = qr - tr; fi[j] = qi - ti; fr[i] = qr + tr; fi[i] = qi + ti; } } --k; L = istep; } } void set_key(float root) { //key of C if(root == 130.0) { notes[0] = 130.8; //C3 notes[1] = 146.8; //D3 notes[2] = 164.8; //E3 notes[3] = 174.6; //F3 notes[4] = 196.0; //G3 notes[5] = 220.0; //A3 notes[6] = 246.9; //B3 notes[7] = 261.6; //C4 } // key of Db else if(root == 138.0) { notes[0] = 138.6; // Db3 notes[1] = 155.6; // Eb3 notes[2] = 174.6; // F3 notes[3] = 185.0; // Gb3 notes[4] = 207.7; // Ab3 notes[5] = 233.1; // Bb3 notes[6] = 261.6; // C4 notes[7] = 277.2; // Db4 } //key of D3 else if (root == 146.0) { notes[0] = 146.8; //D3 notes[1] = 164.8; //E3 notes[2] = 185.0; //F#3 notes[3] = 196.0; //G3 notes[4] = 220.0; //A3 notes[5] = 246.9; //B3 notes[6] = 277.2; //C#4 notes[7] = 293.7; //D4 } //key of Eb3 else if (root == 155.0) { notes[0] = 155.6; //Eb3 notes[1] = 174.6; //F3 notes[2] = 196.0; //G3 notes[3] = 207.7; //Ab3 notes[4] = 233.1; //Bb3 notes[5] = 261.6; //C4 notes[6] = 293.7; //D4 notes[7] = 311.1; //Eb4 } //key of E3 else if (root == 164.0) { notes[0] = 164.8; //E3 notes[1] = 185.0; //F#3 notes[2] = 207.7; //G#3 notes[3] = 220.0; //A3 notes[4] = 233.1; //Bb3 notes[5] = 261.6; //C4 notes[6] = 293.7; //D4 notes[7] = 329.6; //E4 } //key of F3 else if (root == 174.0) { notes[0] = 174.6; //F3 notes[1] = 196.0; //G3 notes[2] = 220.0; //A3 notes[3] = 233.1; //Bb3 notes[4] = 261.6; //C4 notes[5] = 293.7; //D4 notes[6] = 329.6; //E4 notes[7] = 349.2; //F4 } //key of F#3 else if (root == 185.0) { notes[0] = 185.0; //F#3 notes[1] = 207.7; //G#3 notes[2] = 233.1; //A#3 notes[3] = 246.9; //B3 notes[4] = 277.2; //C#4 notes[5] = 311.1; //D#4 notes[6] = 349.2; //E#4 notes[7] = 370.0; //F#4 } //key of G3 else if (root == 196.0) { notes[0] = 196.0; //G3 notes[1] = 220.0; //A3 notes[2] = 246.9; //B3 notes[3] = 261.6; //C4 notes[4] = 293.7; //D4 notes[5] = 329.6; //E4 notes[6] = 370.0; //F#4 notes[7] = 392.0; //G4 } //key of Ab3 else if (root == 207.0) { notes[0] = 207.7; //Ab3 notes[1] = 233.1; //Bb3 notes[2] = 261.6; //C4 notes[3] = 277.2; //Db4 notes[4] = 311.1; //Eb4 notes[5] = 349.2; //F4 notes[6] = 392.0; //G4 notes[7] = 415.3; //Ab4 } //key of A3 else if (root == 220.0) { notes[0] = 220.0; //A3 notes[1] = 246.9; //B3 notes[2] = 277.2; //C#4 notes[3] = 293.7; //D4 notes[4] = 329.6; //E4 notes[5] = 370.0; //F#4 notes[6] = 415.3; //G#4 notes[7] = 440.0; //A4 } //key of Bb3 else if (root == 233.0) { notes[0] = 233.1; //Bb3 notes[1] = 261.6; //C4 notes[2] = 293.7; //D4 notes[3] = 311.1; //Eb4 notes[4] = 349.2; //F4 notes[5] = 392.0; //G4 notes[6] = 440.0; //A4 notes[7] = 466.2; //Bb4 } //key of B3 else if (root == 246.0) { notes[0] = 246.9; //B3 notes[1] = 277.2; //C#4 notes[2] = 311.1; //D#4 notes[3] = 329.6; //E4 notes[4] = 370.0; //F#4 notes[5] = 415.3; //G#4 notes[6] = 466.2; //A#4 notes[7] = 493.9; //B4 } for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { notes[i] = 2 * notes[i]; } } int check_other_notes(float valid_notes[], int valid_notes_size, float key_guess) { float key_array[7]; // printf("key guess: %f\n", key_guess); //initialize notes array based on key_guess //key of C3 if(key_guess == 130.0) { // printf("in key of c"); key_array[0] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[1] = 146.0; //D3 key_array[2] = 164.0; //E3 key_array[3] = 174.0; //F3 key_array[4] = 196.0; //G3 key_array[5] = 220.0; //A3 key_array[6] = 246.0; //B3 printf("key of C\n"); } //key of Db3 else if (key_guess == 138.0) { key_array[0] = 138.0; //Db3 key_array[1] = 155.0; //Eb3 key_array[2] = 174.0; //F3 key_array[3] = 185.0; //Gb3 key_array[4] = 207.0; //Ab3 key_array[5] = 233.0; //Bb3 key_array[6] = 130.0; //C3 printf("key of Db\n"); } //key of D3 else if (key_guess == 146.0) { key_array[0] = 146.0; //D3 key_array[1] = 164.0; //E3 key_array[2] = 185.0; //F#3 key_array[3] = 196.0; //G3 key_array[4] = 220.0; //A3 key_array[5] = 246.0; //B3 key_array[6] = 138.0; //C#3 printf("key of D\n"); } //key of Eb3 else if (key_guess == 155.0) { key_array[0] = 155.0; //Eb3 key_array[1] = 174.0; //F3 key_array[2] = 196.0; //G3 key_array[3] = 207.0; //Ab3 key_array[4] = 233.0; //Bb3 key_array[5] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[6] = 146.0; //D3 printf("key of Eb\n"); } //key of E3 else if (key_guess == 164.0) { key_array[0] = 164.0; //E3 key_array[1] = 185.0; //F#3 key_array[2] = 207.0; //G#3 key_array[3] = 220.0; //A3 key_array[4] = 233.0; //Bb3 key_array[5] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[6] = 146.0; //D3 printf("key of E\n"); } //key of F3 else if (key_guess == 174.0) { key_array[0] = 174.0; //F3 key_array[1] = 196.0; //G3 key_array[2] = 220.0; //A3 key_array[3] = 233.0; //Bb3 key_array[4] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[5] = 146.0; //D3 key_array[6] = 164.0; //E3 printf("key of F\n"); } //key of F#3 else if (key_guess == 185.0) { key_array[0] = 185.0; //F#3 key_array[1] = 207.0; //G#3 key_array[2] = 233.0; //A#3 key_array[3] = 246.0; //B3 key_array[4] = 138.0; //C#3 key_array[5] = 155.0; //D#3 key_array[6] = 174.0; //E#3 printf("key of F#\n"); } //key of G3 else if (key_guess == 196.0) { key_array[0] = 196.0; //G3 key_array[1] = 220.0; //A3 key_array[2] = 246.0; //B3 key_array[3] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[4] = 146.0; //D3 key_array[5] = 164.0; //E3 key_array[6] = 185.0; //F#3 printf("key of G\n"); } //key of Ab3 else if (key_guess == 207.7) { key_array[0] = 207.0; //Ab3 key_array[1] = 233.0; //Bb3 key_array[2] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[3] = 138.0; //Db3 key_array[4] = 155.0; //Eb3 key_array[5] = 174.0; //F3 key_array[6] = 196.0; //G3 printf("key of Ab\n"); } //key of A3 else if (key_guess == 220.0) { key_array[0] = 220.0; //A3 key_array[1] = 246.0; //B3 key_array[2] = 138.0; //C#3 key_array[3] = 146.0; //D3 key_array[4] = 164.0; //E3 key_array[5] = 185.0; //F#3 key_array[6] = 207.0; //G#3 printf("key of A\n"); } //key of Bb3 else if (key_guess == 233.0) { key_array[0] = 233.0; //Bb3 key_array[1] = 130.0; //C3 key_array[2] = 146.0; //D3 key_array[3] = 155.0; //Eb3 key_array[4] = 174.0; //F3 key_array[5] = 195.0; //G3 key_array[6] = 220.0; //A3 printf("key of Bb\n"); } //key of B3 else if (key_guess == 246.0) { key_array[0] = 246.0; //B3 key_array[1] = 138.0; //C#3 key_array[2] = 155.0; //D#3 key_array[3] = 164.0; //E3 key_array[4] = 185.0; //F#3 key_array[5] = 207.0; //G#3 key_array[6] = 233.0; //A#3 printf("key of B\n"); } else { key_array[0] = 1.0; //B3 key_array[1] = 1.0; //C#4 key_array[2] = 1.0; //D#4 key_array[3] = 1.0; //E4 key_array[4] = 1.0; //F#4 key_array[5] = 1.0; //G#4 key_array[6] = 1.0; //A#4 key_array[7] = 1.0; //B4 } // printf("1st note: %f 5th note: %f \n", key_array[0], key_array[4]); int match = 0; //compare all notes in valid notes to notes in guessed key for(int i = 0; i < valid_notes_size; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { if(valid_notes[i] == key_array[j]) { match = 1; } } if(match == 0) return 0; // wrong key! else match = 0; } //got through the for loop? return 1; } void key_detect() { //remember that each octave is a factor of 2 Hz float valid_notes[note_detection_size]; int valid_notes_index = 0; // all notes have to be in range 130.8(C3) to 246.0(B3) for easy comparisons for(int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { // if detected note is less that C3 multiply it by 2 if(detected_notes[i] < 127.0) { // if detected note is less than 70Hz, it's probably not valid (could be silence) if(detected_notes[i] >= 70.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = detected_notes[i] * 2.0; if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 134.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 130.00000; //perfect C3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 142.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 138.00000; //perfect C#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 150.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 146.00000; //perfect D3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 160.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 155.00000; //perfect D#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 169.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 164.00000; //perfect E3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 178.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 174.00000; //perfect F3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 189.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 185.000000; //perfect F#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 200.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 196.000000; //perfect G3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 211.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 207.00000; //perfect G#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 224.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 220.000000; //perfect A3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 237.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 233.00000; //perfect A#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 250.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 246.00000; //perfect B3 } // printf("index: %d valid note 1: %f \n", i, valid_notes[i]); valid_notes_index++; } } else if(detected_notes[i] > 250.0) { // highest note on piano is C8 (4186Hz) so anything higher is probably noise if(detected_notes[i] <= 4200.0) { while(detected_notes[i] > 250.0) { detected_notes[i] = detected_notes[i] / 2.0; } valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = detected_notes[i]; if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 134.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 130.00000; //perfect C3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 142.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 138.00000; //perfect C#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 150.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 146.00000; //perfect D3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 160.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 155.00000; //perfect D#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 169.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 164.00000; //perfect E3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 178.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 174.00000; //perfect F3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 189.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 185.000000; //perfect F#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 200.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 196.000000; //perfect G3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 211.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 207.00000; //perfect G#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 224.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 220.000000; //perfect A3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 237.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 233.00000; //perfect A#3 } else if(valid_notes[valid_notes_index] <= 250.0) { valid_notes[valid_notes_index] = 246.00000; //perfect B3 } // printf("index: %d valid note 2: %f \n", i, valid_notes[i]); valid_notes_index++; } } } //detect mode...cross ur fingers that it is the key float maxfreq = 0.0; int maxcount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < valid_notes_index; i++) { int count = 0; for(int j = 0; j < valid_notes_index; j++){ if(valid_notes[j] == valid_notes[i]) { count++; } } if(count > maxcount) { maxfreq = valid_notes[i]; maxcount = count; } } printf("mode: %f \n", maxfreq); //C[0] C#[1] D[2] D#[3] E[4] F[5] F#[6] G[7] G#[8] A[9] A#[10] B[11] float all_notes[12] = {130.00000, 138.00000, 146.00000, 155.00000, 164.00000, 174.00000, 185.000000, 196.000000, 207.600000, 220.000000, 233.00000, 246.00000}; //first see if the mode is the root/key if(check_other_notes(valid_notes, valid_notes_index, maxfreq) == 1) { printf("check other notes worked\n"); //set key and enable set_key(maxfreq); kd_EN = 1; mic_EN = 0; } //now see if the mode is the fifth else { printf("check other notes did not work\n"); int mode_index = 0; int fifth_index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(maxfreq == all_notes[i]) { mode_index = i; } } if(mode_index <= 6) { fifth_index = mode_index + 5; } else { fifth_index = mode_index - 7; } if(check_other_notes(valid_notes, valid_notes_index, all_notes[fifth_index]) == 1) { printf("check other notes (fifth)worked\n"); //set key and enable set_key(all_notes[fifth_index]); kd_EN = 1; mic_EN = 0; } //now try the seventh else{ printf("check other notes (fifth) did not work\n"); int seventh_index = 0; if(mode_index <= 10) { seventh_index = mode_index + 1; } //else index is 0 if(check_other_notes(valid_notes, valid_notes_index, all_notes[seventh_index]) == 1) { printf("check other notes (seventh)worked\n"); //set key and enable set_key(all_notes[seventh_index]); kd_EN = 1; mic_EN = 0; } else { printf("check other notes (seventh) did not work\n"); } } } } //==================================== // === magnitude approx good to about +/-2% // see #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) //==================================== void magnitude(s1x14 fr[], s1x14 fi[], int length) { s1x14 mmax, mmin; s1x14 c1 = float_to_s1x14(0.89820); s1x14 c2 = float_to_s1x14(0.48597); for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) { mmin = min(abs(fr[ii]), abs(fi[ii])); //>>9 mmax = max(abs(fr[ii]), abs(fi[ii])); // reuse fr to hold magnitude fr[ii] = max(mmax, (muls1x14(mmax, c1) + muls1x14(mmin, c2))); fi[ii] = 0; } } // ================================== // === approx log2 for plotting //==================================== // see: // Generation of Products and Quotients Using Approximate Binary Logarithms // for Digital Filtering Applications, // IEEE Transactions on Computers 1970 vol.19 Issue No.02 //==================================== void log2_approx0(s1x14 fr[], int length){ s15x16 log_input, log_output ; // reduced range variable for interpolation s15x16 x; // low cutoff s15x16 low_cutoff = float_to_s15x16(0.00006) ; s15x16 c1 = float_to_s15x16(0.984) ; s15x16 c2 = float_to_s15x16(0.065) ; for (int ii = 0; ii < length; ii++) { log_input = s1x14_to_s15x16(fr[ii]) ; // check for too small or negative // and return smallest log2 if(log_input <= low_cutoff){ fr[ii] = -15 ; continue ; } // if the input is less than 2 the scale up by // 2^14 so always working on an integer // so we can get logs down to input of 0.00003 or so approx -14.85 int frac_factor = 0 ; if (log_input < int_to_s15x16(2) ){ // max size of shift to not overflow frac_factor = 14 ; log_input <<= frac_factor ; } // temp for finding msb s15x16 sx ; sx = log_input ; // find the most-significant bit // equivalent to finding the characteristic of the log s15x16 y=1; // value of MSB s15x16 ly=0; // position of MSB while(sx>int_to_s15x16(2)) { y=y<<1 ; ly=ly+int_to_s15x16(1) ; sx=sx>>1; } // bound the bottom and detect negative input values // Two-segment approx is good to better than 0.02 log unit // equiv to finding the mantissa of the log, then adding the charastic // see: // Generation of Products and Quotients Using Approximate Binary Logarithms // for Digital Filtering Applications, // IEEE Transactions on Computers 1970 vol.19 Issue No.02 // normalize the bits after dleting MSB x = (log_input-y)>>(int)ly ; // piecewise linear curve fit //if(x<0.5) log_output = (ly + x*1.163 + 0.0213) - frac_factor ; //else log_output = (ly + x*0.828 + 0.1815) - frac_factor ; // one segment approx goodd to about 0.07 log unit log_output = (ly + x*c1 + c2) - frac_factor ; // and store it fr[ii] = log_output>>16 ; } } #define log_min 0x00 // reuse fr to hold log magnitude // shifting finds most significant bit // then make approxlog = ly + (fr-y)./(y) + 0.043; // BUT for an 8-bit approx (4 bit ly and 4-bit fraction) // ly 1<=ly<=14 // omit the 0.043 because it is too small for 4-bit fraction void log2_approx(s1x14 fr[], int length) { int sx, y, ly, temp; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // interpret bits as integer sx = fr[i]; y = 1; ly = 0; while (sx > 1) { y = y * 2; ly = ly + 1; sx = sx >> 1; } // shift ly into upper 4-bits as integer part of log // take bits below y and shift into lower 4-bits // !!NOTE that fr is no longer in s1x14 format!! fr[i] = ((ly) << 4) + ((fr[i] - y) >> (ly - 4)); // bound the noise at low amp if (fr[i] < log_min) fr[i] = log_min; } } // User input thread static PT_THREAD (protothread_serial(struct pt *pt)) { PT_BEGIN(pt) ; static int test_in ; static float test_in_fl ; static int default_weights; while(1) { sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input desired tempo [60, 250] \n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%d", &tempo) ; //*notes the pico outputs notes twice as high as we set, but that shouldn't be an issue - still in the same key sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "Press 1: equal weights, 2: jazzy weights, 3: custom\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%d", &default_weights) ; if(default_weights == 1) { probs0[0] = 1.25; probs0[1] = 1.25; probs0[2] = 1.25; probs0[3] = 1.25; probs0[4] = 1.25; probs0[5] = 1.25; probs0[6] = 1.25; probs0[7] = 1.25; probs1[0] = 1.25; probs1[1] = 1.25; probs1[2] = 1.25; probs1[3] = 1.25; probs1[4] = 1.25; probs1[5] = 1.25; probs1[6] = 1.25; probs1[7] = 1.25; probs2[0] = 1.25; probs2[1] = 1.25; probs2[2] = 1.25; probs2[3] = 1.25; probs2[4] = 1.25; probs2[5] = 1.25; probs2[6] = 1.25; probs2[7] = 1.25; probs3[0] = 1.25; probs3[1] = 1.25; probs3[2] = 1.25; probs3[3] = 1.25; probs3[4] = 1.25; probs3[5] = 1.25; probs3[6] = 1.25; probs3[7] = 1.25; probs4[0] = 1.25; probs4[1] = 1.25; probs4[2] = 1.25; probs4[3] = 1.25; probs4[4] = 1.25; probs4[5] = 1.25; probs4[6] = 1.25; probs4[7] = 1.25; probs5[0] = 1.25; probs5[1] = 1.25; probs5[2] = 1.25; probs5[3] = 1.25; probs5[4] = 1.25; probs5[5] = 1.25; probs5[6] = 1.25; probs5[7] = 1.25; probs6[0] = 1.25; probs6[1] = 1.25; probs6[2] = 1.25; probs6[3] = 1.25; probs6[4] = 1.25; probs6[5] = 1.25; probs6[6] = 1.25; probs6[7] = 1.25; probs7[0] = 1.25; probs7[1] = 1.25; probs7[2] = 1.25; probs7[3] = 1.25; probs7[4] = 1.25; probs7[5] = 1.25; probs7[6] = 1.25; probs7[7] = 1.25; } else if(default_weights == 2) { probs0[0] = 1.0; probs0[1] = 0.0; probs0[2] = 2.0; probs0[3] = 2.0; probs0[4] = 2.0; probs0[5] = 2.0; probs0[6] = 0.5; probs0[7] = 0.5; probs1[0] = 1.0; probs1[1] = 1.0; probs1[2] = 1.0; probs1[3] = 2.5; probs1[4] = 2.5; probs1[5] = 1.0; probs1[6] = 0.0; probs1[7] = 1.0; probs2[0] = 1.0; probs2[1] = 3.0; probs2[2] = 1.0; probs2[3] = 1.0; probs2[4] = 0.0; probs2[5] = 1.0; probs2[6] = 0.0; probs2[7] = 3.0; probs3[0] = 1.0; probs3[1] = 3.0; probs3[2] = 0.5; probs3[3] = 0.5; probs3[4] = 0.5; probs3[5] = 1.0; probs3[6] = 0.5; probs3[7] = 3.0; probs4[0] = 1.0; probs4[1] = 0.5; probs4[2] = 2.0; probs4[3] = 0.5; probs4[4] = 1.0; probs4[5] = 2.0; probs4[6] = 2.0; probs4[7] = 1.0; probs5[0] = 1.0; probs5[1] = 1.0; probs5[2] = 1.0; probs5[3] = 1.0; probs5[4] = 2.0; probs5[5] = 2.0; probs5[6] = 1.0; probs5[7] = 1.0; probs6[0] = 0.5; probs6[1] = 3.5; probs6[2] = 3.5; probs6[3] = 0.5; probs6[4] = 0.5; probs6[5] = 0.5; probs6[6] = 0.5; probs6[7] = 0.5; probs7[0] = 1.0; probs7[1] = 1.0; probs7[2] = 0.5; probs7[3] = 2.0; probs7[4] = 1.5; probs7[5] = 3.0; probs7[6] = 0.5; probs7[7] = 0.5; } else { sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 1 (C in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs0[0], &probs0[1], &probs0[2], &probs0[3], &probs0[4], &probs0[5], &probs0[6], &probs0[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 2 (D in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs1[0], &probs1[1], &probs1[2], &probs1[3], &probs1[4], &probs1[5], &probs1[6], &probs1[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 3 (E in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs2[0], &probs2[1], &probs2[2], &probs2[3], &probs2[4], &probs2[5], &probs2[6], &probs2[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 4 (F in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs3[0], &probs3[1], &probs3[2], &probs3[3], &probs3[4], &probs3[5], &probs3[6], &probs3[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 5 (G in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs4[0], &probs4[1], &probs4[2], &probs4[3], &probs4[4], &probs4[5], &probs4[6], &probs4[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 6 (A in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs5[0], &probs5[1], &probs5[2], &probs5[3], &probs5[4], &probs5[5], &probs5[6], &probs5[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 7 (B in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs6[0], &probs6[1], &probs6[2], &probs6[3], &probs6[4], &probs6[5], &probs6[6], &probs6[7]) ; sprintf(pt_serial_out_buffer, "input probability weights (adding up to 10) for note 8 (next octave C in Key of C)\n"); serial_write ; //spawn a thread to do the non-blocking serial read serial_read ; //convert input string to number sscanf(pt_serial_in_buffer,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &probs7[0], &probs7[1], &probs7[2], &probs7[3], &probs7[4], &probs7[5], &probs7[6], &probs7[7]) ; } sm_EN = 1; } PT_END(pt) ; } // ================================================== // === graphics demo -- RUNNING on core 0 // ================================================== static PT_THREAD(protothread_graphics(struct pt *pt)) { PT_BEGIN(pt); // DMA channel -- needed to check for DMA done static int ADC_data_chan ; // // update count -- for tuning cursor speed // static int update_count; // the protothreads interval timer PT_INTERVAL_INIT(); // Draw some filled rectangles fillRect(20, 1, 400, 50, LIGHT_BLUE); // blue box fillRect(435, 1, 200, 50, ORANGE); // green box // Write some text setTextColor(BLACK) ; short text_x = 445 ; setCursor(text_x, 2) ; setTextSize(1) ; writeString("Raspberry Pi Pico") ; setCursor(text_x, 12) ; writeString("VGA scope demo - ECE 4760") ; setCursor(text_x, 22) ; writeString("Hunter") ; setCursor(text_x, 32) ; writeString("Protothreads rp2040 v1.1.1") ; setCursor(text_x, 42) ; writeString("16 color VGA") ; setCursor(80, 252) ; setTextSize(1) ; setTextColor2(BLACK, YELLOW); writeString(" Spectrum 0-8KHz ") ; setCursor(350, 252) ; writeString(" Log Spectrum 0-8KHz ") ; // === congure the ADC ========= // === and start a buffer fill ADC_data_chan = ADC_setup() ; // // test menu setup // bulky, but unavoidable menu[0].item_color = WHITE; menu[1].item_color = WHITE; menu[2].item_color = WHITE; menu[3].item_color = WHITE; menu[4].item_color = GREEN; menu[5].item_color = GREEN; menu[6].item_color = GREEN; menu[7].item_color = GREEN; menu[8].item_color = GREEN; menu[9].item_color = LIGHT_BLUE; menu[10].item_color = RED; // sprintf(menu[0].item_name, "Octave # "); sprintf(menu[1].item_name, "Attack main "); sprintf(menu[2].item_name, "Sustain main "); sprintf(menu[3].item_name, "Decay main "); sprintf(menu[4].item_name, "Fmod/Fmain "); sprintf(menu[5].item_name, "FM depth max "); sprintf(menu[6].item_name, "Attack FM "); sprintf(menu[7].item_name, "Sustain FM "); sprintf(menu[8].item_name, "Decay FM "); sprintf(menu[9].item_name, "Lin=1/Quad DK "); sprintf(menu[10].item_name, "Run "); // menu[0].item_data_type = 0; // int menu[1].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[2].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[3].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[4].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[5].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[6].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[7].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[8].item_data_type = 1; // float menu[9].item_data_type = 0; // int menu[10].item_data_type = 0; // int // menu[0].item_inc_type = 0; // lin update menu[1].item_inc_type = 1; // log update menu[2].item_inc_type = 1; // log menu[3].item_inc_type = 1; // log menu[4].item_inc_type = 0; // lin update menu[5].item_inc_type = 1; // log update menu[6].item_inc_type = 1; // log menu[7].item_inc_type = 1; // log menu[8].item_inc_type = 1; // log menu[9].item_inc_type = 0; // menu[10].item_inc_type = 0; // // menu[0].item_increment = 1; menu[1].item_increment = 1.1; menu[2].item_increment = 1.1; menu[3].item_increment = 1.1; menu[4].item_increment = 0.01; menu[5].item_increment = 1.01; menu[6].item_increment = 1.1; menu[7].item_increment = 1.1; menu[8].item_increment = 1.1; menu[9].item_increment = 1; menu[10].item_increment = 1; // menu[0].item_float_value = 3; // menu[1].item_float_value = .01; // menu[2].item_float_value = .3; // menu[3].item_float_value = .3; // menu[4].item_float_value = 3; // menu[5].item_float_value = .25; // menu[6].item_float_value = .01; // menu[7].item_float_value = .1; // menu[8].item_float_value = .4; // menu[9].item_float_value = 0; // menu[10].item_float_value = 1; // menu[0].item_float_min = 1; menu[0].item_float_max = 6; menu[1].item_float_min = .001; menu[1].item_float_max = 5; menu[2].item_float_min = .001; menu[2].item_float_max = 5; menu[3].item_float_min = .001; menu[3].item_float_max = 5; menu[4].item_float_min = .001; menu[4].item_float_max = 100; menu[5].item_float_min = .001; menu[5].item_float_max = 100; menu[6].item_float_min = .001; menu[6].item_float_max = 5; menu[7].item_float_min = .001; menu[7].item_float_max = 5; menu[8].item_float_min = .001; menu[8].item_float_max = 5; menu[9].item_float_min = 0; menu[9].item_float_max = 1; menu[10].item_float_min = 0; menu[10].item_float_max = 1; while(true) { // yield until ADC buffer full PT_YIELD_UNTIL(pt, run_stop); PT_YIELD_UNTIL(pt, !dma_channel_is_busy(ADC_data_chan)); // get ADC buffer and start next buffer fill by reseting DMA source addr memcpy(analysis_data, adc_data, adc_array_length*2) ; memcpy(fft_data, adc_data, adc_array_length*2) ; // // restart DMA from ADC dma_channel_set_write_addr (ADC_data_chan, adc_data, true) ; // tell core 1 to do fft PT_SEM_SAFE_SIGNAL(pt, &run_fft_s); // plot time series // void drawLine(short x0, short y0, short x1, short y1, char color) { for(int i=0; i<adc_array_length-1; i++){ // erase a point drawPixel(i+40, display_data[i], BLACK) ; //drawLine(i+40, display_data[i], i+41, display_data[i+1], BLACK); display_data[i] = (analysis_data[i]>>5) + 100 ; drawPixel(i+40, display_data[i], GREEN) ; //drawLine(i+40, display_data[i], i+41, display_data[i+1], GREEN); } } PT_END(pt); } // graphics thread // ================================================== // === toggle25 thread on core 0 // ================================================== // the on-board LED blinks // just a heartbeat to make sure we did not crash static PT_THREAD(protothread_toggle25(struct pt *pt)) { PT_BEGIN(pt); static bool LED_state = false; // set up LED p25 to blink gpio_init(25); gpio_set_dir(25, GPIO_OUT); gpio_put(25, true); // data structure for interval timer PT_INTERVAL_INIT(); while (1) { // yield time 0.1 second //PT_YIELD_usec(100000) ; PT_YIELD_INTERVAL(100000); // toggle the LED on PICO LED_state = LED_state ? false : true; gpio_put(25, LED_state); // NEVER exit while } // END WHILE(1) PT_END(pt); } // blink thread // ================================================== // === FM parameter setup core1 // ================================================== // static PT_THREAD(protothread_FM(struct pt *pt)) { PT_BEGIN(pt); // convert alarm period in uSEc to rate Fs = 1.0 / ((float)alarm_period * 1e-6); static float four_beats = 4.0; if(kd_EN == 1) { mic_EN = 0; while (1) { // == Fout and Fmod are in Hz // == fm_depth is 0 to 10 or so // == times are in seconds // wait for the run command PT_YIELD_UNTIL(pt, menu[10].item_float_value == 1); // conversion to intrnal units // increment = Fout/Fs * 2^32 // octave number is based on a C3 to C4 table octave_num = menu[0].item_float_value; Fmod = 1.5;// menu[4].item_float_value; float current_note; rand_len = rand_note_length(four_beats); four_beats = four_beats - rand_len; if(four_beats == 0.0){ four_beats = 4.0; } printf("note length: %f \n", rand_len); float dur = 83.0 / (float)tempo; //got 83 from testing int i = note_SM(); printf("frequency: %f \n", notes[i]); current_note = notes[i] * pow(2, octave_num - 3); main_inc[i] = current_note * pow(2, 32) / Fs; mod_inc[i] = Fmod * current_note * pow(2, 32) / Fs; // fm modulation strength max_mod_depth = float_to_fix(menu[5].item_float_value * 100000); // convert main input times to sample number attack_time = float_to_fix(menu[1].item_float_value * Fs); //when this is *rand_len, clicking occurs with 16th notes decay_time = float_to_fix(menu[3].item_float_value * Fs * rand_len * dur); sustain_time = float_to_fix(menu[2].item_float_value * Fs * rand_len * dur); // and now get increments attack_inc = div(max_amp, attack_time); // linear and parabolic fit decay_inc = div(max_amp, decay_time); recip_decay_time = div(onefix, decay_time); // convert modulation input times to sample number mod_attack_time = float_to_fix(menu[6].item_float_value * Fs * rand_len * dur); mod_decay_time = float_to_fix(menu[8].item_float_value * Fs * rand_len * dur); mod_sustain_time = float_to_fix(menu[7].item_float_value * Fs * rand_len * dur); // and now get increments // precomputing increments means that only add/subtract is needed mod_attack_inc = div(max_mod_depth, mod_attack_time); mod_decay_inc = div(max_mod_depth, mod_decay_time); current_main_inc = main_inc[i]; current_mod_inc = mod_inc[i]; note_start = true; PT_YIELD_UNTIL(pt, current_amp < onefix); // NEVER exit while } // END WHILE(1) } PT_END(pt); } // timer thread // ================================================== // === ISR routine -- RUNNING on core 1 // ================================================== // void compute_sample(void) { // === // start a burst on new data if (note_start) { // init the amplitude current_amp = attack_inc; current_mod_depth = mod_attack_inc; // reset the start flag note_start = false; // reset envelope time note_time = 0; // phase lock the main frequency main_accum = 0; } // note start // play the burst as long as the amplitude is positive // as it decays linearly if (current_amp > 0) { // update dds modulation freq mod_accum += current_mod_inc; mod_wave = sine_table[mod_accum >> 24]; // get the instataneous modulation amp // update modulation amplitude envelope if (note_time < (mod_attack_time + mod_decay_time + mod_sustain_time)) { current_mod_depth = (note_time <= mod_attack_time) ? current_mod_depth + mod_attack_inc : (note_time <= mod_attack_time + mod_sustain_time) ? current_mod_depth : current_mod_depth - mod_decay_inc; } else { current_mod_depth = 0; } // set dds main freq and FM modulate it main_accum += current_main_inc + (unsigned int)mul(mod_wave, current_mod_depth); // update main waveform main_wave = sine_table[main_accum >> 24]; // get the instataneous amp // update amplitude envelope // linear EXCEPT for optional parabolic decay if (note_time < (attack_time + decay_time + sustain_time)) { if (note_time <= attack_time) current_amp += attack_inc; else if (note_time > attack_time + sustain_time) { if (linear_dk == 1) { current_amp -= decay_inc; } else { current_amp = current_amp - (decay_inc << 1) + div(mul((decay_inc << 1), (note_time - attack_time - sustain_time)), decay_time); } } } else { current_amp = 0; } // amplitide modulate and shift to the correct range for PWM main_wave = mul(main_wave, current_amp); // write final result to 8-bit PWM //pwm_set_chan_level(pwm_slice_num, pwm_chan_num, fix_to_int(main_wave) + 128) ; //pwm_set_chan_level(pwm_slice_num, pwm_chan_num, fix_to_int(current_amp)) ; DAC_data = (DAC_config_chan_A | ((fix_to_int(main_wave) + 2048) & 0xfff)); // Write data to DAC spi_write16_blocking(SPI_PORT, &DAC_data, 1); // move time ahead note_time += onefix; } // current amp > 0 else { // set PWM to neutral level DAC_data = (DAC_config_chan_A | ((2048) & 0xfff)); } // save in buffer for FFT if (buffer_index < N_WAVE) { dds[buffer_index++] = dds_to_s1x14(main_wave); } } // end ISR call // ================================================== // === fft thread -- RUNNING on core 1 // ================================================== // static PT_THREAD(protothread_fft(struct pt *pt)) { // if(sm_EN == 1) { PT_BEGIN(pt); static short time_column; static short fr_disp; // green > yellow > red // static short color_map[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 10, 9, 8, 12, 15}; static short color_map[7] ={0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11, 15}; static short thread_time; static int curr_max_mag_index = 0; static int prev_max_mag_index = 0; static int same_count = 0; PT_INTERVAL_INIT(); FFTinit(); while(mic_EN == 1) { // PT_SEM_SAFE_WAIT(pt, &run_fft_s) ; // compute FFT on ADC buffer and draw one column // covert ADC to fixed point for (int i = 0; i < N_WAVE; i++) { fr[i] = adc_to_s1x14(analysis_data[i]) ; //adc_to_s1x14 } // do the windowing for (int i = 0; i < N_WAVE; i++) { fr[i] = muls1x14(fr[i], window[i]); fi[i] = 0; } // do the FFT FFTfix(fr, fi, LOG2_N_WAVE); // // compute power spectrum magnitude(fr, fi, N_WAVE); // plot single spectrum for testing for(int i=2; i<adc_array_length/2; i++){ // erase a point drawPixel(i+40, fft_display_data[i], BLACK) ; fft_display_data[i] = -(short)(fr[i]>>4) + 250 ; drawPixel(i+40, fft_display_data[i], GREEN) ; } // find max of magnitude for freq estimate s1x14 max_mag = 0 ; int max_mag_index = 0; for(int i=2; i<adc_array_length/2; i++){ // if(fr[i] > max_mag) { max_mag = fr[i] ; max_mag_index = i ; } } curr_max_mag_index = max_mag_index; // print frequency estimate char vga_buffer[50] ; sprintf(vga_buffer, "Freq = %6.1f ", max_mag_index * 31.25 / 4 ) ; setCursor(25, 32) ; setTextSize(1) ; setTextColor2(BLACK, LIGHT_BLUE); writeString(vga_buffer) ; // plot log-spectrum for testing // !!After log, the returned fr is no longer in s1x14 format!! // do the APPROXIMATE log in u4x4 format! log2_approx(fr, adc_array_length/2) ; // plot for(int i=2; i<adc_array_length/2; i++){ // erase a point drawPixel(i+300, log_display_data[i], BLACK) ; fr[i] = max(fr[i], 64) - 64; log_display_data[i] = -(short)(fr[i]>>1) + 250 ; drawPixel(i+300, log_display_data[i], GREEN) ; } // plot a vertical slice for spectrogram // Spectrogram -- draw and move right // wrap the screen // at right edge of screen, reset to left edge time_column++ ; if (time_column == 636) time_column = 3; for(int i=1; i<200; i++){ // bound to 0 to 7 fr_disp = color_map[min(6, max((fr[i]>>3)-3, 0))] ; //4-1 drawPixel(time_column, 480-i, fr_disp ) ; } //printf("curr index: %d prev index: %d\n", curr_max_mag_index, prev_max_mag_index); // only detect notes if they are held for a reasonable amount of time if(sm_EN == 1 && curr_max_mag_index == prev_max_mag_index) { same_count++; // printf("count: %d max mag index: %d\n", same_count, curr_max_mag_index); // if(tempo >= 140) { detected_notes[detected_notes_index] = (float) curr_max_mag_index * 31.25/4.0; printf("detected index: %d detected note: %f \n", detected_notes_index, detected_notes[detected_notes_index]); detected_notes_index++; if(detected_notes_index >= note_detection_size - 1) { key_detect(); detected_notes_index = 0; } same_count = 0; // test } else { same_count = 0; } prev_max_mag_index = curr_max_mag_index; // NEVER exit while } // END WHILE(1) PT_END(pt); } // FFT thread // ======================================== // === core 1 main -- started in main below // ======================================== void core1_main() { // fire off interrupt alarm_in_us(alarm_period); // === add threads ==================== // for core 1 pt_add_thread(protothread_FM); pt_add_thread(protothread_fft); // // === initalize the scheduler ========== pt_schedule_start; // NEVER exits // ====================================== } // ======================================== // === core 0 main // ======================================== int main() { // dds table 10 bit values int i = 0; while (i < 256) { // sine table is in naural +1/-1 range sine_table[i] = float_to_fix(sin(2 * 3.1416 * i / 256)); i++; } // start the serial i/o stdio_init_all(); // announce the threader version on system reset printf("\n\rProtothreads RP2040 v1.11 two-core\n\r"); // Initialize SPI channel (channel, baud rate set to 20MHz) // connected to spi DAC spi_init(SPI_PORT, 20000000); // Format (channel, data bits per transfer, polarity, phase, order) spi_set_format(SPI_PORT, 16, 0, 0, 0); // Map SPI signals to GPIO ports //gpio_set_function(PIN_MISO, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); gpio_set_function(PIN_SCK, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); gpio_set_function(PIN_MOSI, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); gpio_set_function(PIN_CS, GPIO_FUNC_SPI); // Initialize the VGA screen initVGA(); // init the global fft ready signals PT_SEM_SAFE_INIT(&run_fft_s, 1) ; PT_SEM_SAFE_INIT(&finish_fft_s, 1) ; // anybody can print first PT_LOCK_INIT(lock_stdout, 31, 0) ; // start core 1 threads multicore_reset_core1(); multicore_launch_core1(&core1_main); // === config threads ======================== // for core 0 pt_add_thread(protothread_graphics); pt_add_thread(protothread_toggle25); pt_add_thread(protothread_serial) ; // // === initalize the scheduler =============== pt_schedule_start; // NEVER exits // =========================================== } // end main' |